GlassFish Bug Scrubbing Process

JIRA Scrubbing Process

In order to manage the existing issues a scrubbing process is utilized to ensure issues are properly prioritized, duplicates removed, accurate synopsis, etc.

  • 1. Ensure issue is open against the correct component.
  • 2. Ensure issue has an accurate synopsis.
  • 3. Close issue if N/A or duplicate
  • 4. Lower priority if appropriate
    • Blocker - P1 = Next build
    • Critical - P2 = Next milestone
    • Major - P3 = By RR/FCS (for the release under development)
    • Minor - P4/5 = A future release (likely undetermined at this time)
  • 5. Change the Fix Version/s to one of the 3.1 milestones (ex. 3.1_ms06, 3.1_ms07). Refer to GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 schedule for dates.
  • 6. Move to future release if needed:
    • Add "3_1-exclude" to the "tags" to exclude the issue from the 3.1 release.
    • Change the Fix Version/s to one of: 3.2, 4.0, future release or 2.1.2 (if the issue apply to v2.x only)
    • Add a comment as to why the defect is not being fixed in the current release.
  • 7. If the bug is not applicable to the current or future release but needs to remain open (e.g. for sustaining) add "future-exclude" to the tags to exclude the issue from the current and future releases.

New issues should be scrubbed using this time line:

  • P1 - 1-2 days
  • P2 - 2-3 days
  • P3 - 1 week

The following types of issues are not good candidates to roll forward to a future release:

  • Impacts security or CTS
  • Is a significant regression
  • Compatibility
  • Likely to generate a customer support call (or forum question)
  • Impacts a feature that is a primary release driver.